HELCOM TAPAS Umfrage zu menschlichen Einflüssen auf die Ostsee

HELCOM TAPAS survey to estimate the sensitivity of marine ecosystem components to human induced pressures.

The survey is open for all types of experts on the Baltic Sea environment. Results will be used for setting sensitivity scores for the Baltic Sea Pressure and Impact Index as part of the HOLAS II report.

​Please download the survey​ and fill in your replies in an own copy. You can answer to the whole survey or to selected parts of it, if you want to focus on certain species, habitats or pressures. When you are done, send your reply as an attachment to the following email address: surveyTAPAS@helcom.fi. Any questions relating to answering the survey and technical support can be directed to the same address.

The survey is open until 31 October 2016.

Find more information under helcom.fi

