OCED Report zur Entwicklung der Wirtschaft auf dem Meer

Calculations on the basis of the OECD’s Ocean Economy Database estimate the ocean economy’s output in 2010 (the base year for the calculations) at USD 1.5 trillion in value added, or approximately 2.5% of world gross value added (GVA). This is roughly equivalent to the size of the Canadian economy that same year.
Looking to 2030, the report states that many ocean-based industries have the potential to outperform the growth of the global economy as a whole, both in terms of value added and employment. Between 2010 and 2030 on a “business-as-usual” basis, the ocean economy could more than double its contribution to global value added, reaching over USD 3 trillion. Particularly strong growth is expected in marine aquaculture, offshore wind energy, fish processing, and shipbuilding and repair. Ocean industries also have the potential to make an important contribution to employment growth. In 2030, they are anticipated to employ approximately 40 million full-time equivalent jobs in the business as-usual scenario. The fastest growth in jobs is expected to occur in offshore wind energy, marine aquaculture, fish processing and port activities.
The report puts forward a number of recommendations to enhance the sustainable development of the ocean economy:
  • foster greater international co-operation in maritime science and technology as a means to stimulate innovation and strengthen the sustainable development of the ocean economy strengthen integrated ocean management
  • improve the statistical and methodological base at national and international level for measuring the scale and performance of ocean-based industries and their contribution to the overall economy
  • build more capacity for ocean industry foresight.
Christina Abildgaard, Director at the Research Council of Norway and member of the Management Board of JPI Oceans was closely involved in the preparation of the report as a member of the Steering Group of the project. She highlighted that the results of the report can be very useful to inform the further work within the JPI as JPI Oceans is currently not planning any broad foresight exercises.
