Konsultation zur Evaluierung der Fischereikontrollverordnung

The public consultation is designed to support the evaluation of the Fisheries Control Regulation, for assessing its impacts on the Common Fisheries Policy five years after the entry into force.

The evaluation will address a range of different themes, including whether the objectives of the Control Regulation are being delivered, and whether the requirements of the Control Regulation are effective and suitable to achieve the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy.

This public consultation is an important part of the evaluation process to gather the views of the citizens and stakeholders on the themes addressed by the evaluation and will be complemented by targeted consultation of key stakeholders.

The Commission would like to gather views on the following themes:

  • Promotion of the level playing field
  • Development of a culture of compliance and respect of the Common Fisheries Policy rules
  • New instruments of the Commission to ensure the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy by Member States
  • Simplification and reduction of administrative burden

Contributions are particularly sought from fishers (fishermen, fish farmers, fishery organisations/associations), retailers (individual companies and organisations/associations), consumers organisations/associations, public authorities (national and regionals), environmental NGOs, as well as researchers and scientists.

Period of consultation: From 18.12.2015 to 13.03.2016

More information on how to make your contribution under europa.eu
