Record high profits for EU fleet shows economic benefits of sustainable fishing methods

The 2018 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet shows record-peak levels in economic performance of the EU fishing fleet in 2016 and closely links this achievement to the use of sustainable fishing methods.


The 2018 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet points to a significantly improved economic performance of the EU fishing fleet from 2009 onwards. The EU fleet registered record-high net profits of EUR 1.3 billion in 2016, a 68% increase compared to 2015. Moreover, forecasts for 2017 and 2018 are looking positive. Continued improvements into 2016 were mainly a result of low fuel prices and higher average fish prices (more value for less quantity landed). The positive economic development of the EU fishing fleet is also closely linked to the sustainable exploitation of fish stocks. The report indicates that economic performance stagnates where fleets depend on stocks that are still overfished or overexploited. Fleets that fish sustainably, ever growing in numbers, have seen clear improvements in their profitability.

The full article and more information can be found at
