Interview with "Me and my Baltic Coast" winner

On 3rd of May the BONUS BaltCoast photo exhibition "Me and my Baltic Coast" was opened in Helsinki at the celebrations of the 10th anniversary of BONUS.

The photographer of the winning picture, Marco Rank, was invited to Helsinki by the BONUS programme to be honored in the framework of the 10th anniversary celebrations of BONUS.
We asked him about the background of his picture and his impressions of the BONUS event:

How did you hear about the photo competition?

"A friend of mine invited me to look at EUCC’s announcement of the competition. I was curious because I already had some photographs of that region. So that’s why I took part in."

What does your picture tell us?

"For me personally there are many impressions. The creative process in landscape and weather photography leads to the exploring of places you’ve never been before. The area around Helberskov (Himmerland) at the Danish Baltic Coast was interesting for shots of the night sky. The light pollution by cities is less compared to the surroundings. Nowadays real darkness in the night is getting a rare gift. Even the coastlines with their touristic centers are getting brighter and brighter. To make a long story short: this place was nice to get a good view on the Milky Way. Combined with the colors of a weak Aurora Borealis some greenish airglow and a single Perseid meteor displaying during the exposure the scenery were quite unique to me. Different atmospheric phenomena combined in one panoramic shot. My approach is to show the beauty of our atmosphere in different landscapes and regional settings. I would be glad if my work contributes to raising awareness for nature and its protection."

What did you learn about the project BONUS BALTCOAST that organized the competition?

"I’ve learned that there is hope! All the efforts of BONUS and BONUS projects to combine the interests of the neighboring states of the Baltic Sea to encourage an economically-wealthy and eco-conscious future for the Baltic coast region is an unique approach. In days where we have to deal with ‘alternative facts’ and an overwhelming power of economic interests in politics such a project is really important and reasonable."

What was the biggest impression at the BONUS celebration in Helsinki?

"First of all, thanks for having me! While listening to the actors from different countries, I was impressed by the extraordinary patience of everyone and the continuous iron will to make improvements or reaching goals step by step. We need this passion to be presented in the politics of each country and a renewed strong confidence in the democratic process in our European societies."

Does this experience bring any change to your future plans?

"The experience of being invited to such a great event by taking a photograph encourages me to move on with my work / art even if this is a rocky road. I would like to exhibit more environmental and nature conservancy aspects through my photography in future.

Thanks a lot BONUS for your invitation to come to Finland! This was an amazing experience."

-Marco Rank-


The touring photo exhibition "Me and my Baltic Coast" is showing pictures of the same-named photo competition which was organised in the framework of the project BONUS BaltCoast to display the multifaceted life around the Baltic Coast and to capture the typical as well as unique moments while living on and with the Baltic Sea.
349 pictures from Denmark, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia were submitted to the photo competition. An international jury and facebook users selected the 20 best pictures for the photo exhibition which is touring through the Baltic Sea Region since May. Find more information at

All pictures of the "Me and My Baltic Coast" exhibition are sponsored by The photo lab is official printing partner of the exhibition and provides the photographs with a perfect finish in gallery quality!




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BONUS BALTCOAST project has received funding from BONUS (Art 185), funded jointly by the EU and Baltic Sea national funding institutions.
