Coastal Schools - Internet-based information on coasts, seas and more

The extracurricular educational project “Coastal Schools” had as its goals an active contribution to building awareness regarding the sea and coasts, particularly the Baltic Sea coast. The target group of this project was the natural history and biology students of the 9th and 10th grades in Schleswig-Holstein.
The primary element of the project was an innovative link between personal encounters with the coasts and learning with new media. Together with local environmental educators, 11 school classes investigated and explored the fascinating habitats of the Baltic Sea and their coasts. The results of their work was prepared and published in the internet with the help of an content authoring system developed by EUCC-D. You can find further information and project results here (German).

Tasks of the EUCC-D: Development and maintenance of an internet site devoted to coastal topics, creation of informational and learning modules to coastal topics, providing assistance and guidance to school classes during field trips, providing introductions and assistance to the students at the presentation of the excursion journals, quality assurance and control, public relations work.

Duration: June 2007 through March 2009.

Funding Partner: BINGO! Projektförderung in Schleswig- Holstein

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