Coastline Reports 16 (2010)

K. Schwarzer, K. Schrottke & K. Stattegger: From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research
This issue is the summary of the 27th AMK in Kiel. Focal topics this time are coastal zone and coastal risk management, marine monitoring as well as the modelling of "ecosystem services".
The report is composed mainly in English but also in German with English abstracts. For ordering Coastline Reports 16 (2010) (25 Euro including postage, 15 Euro for members of EUCC Germany) please send an e-mail with your addresses for delivery and invoice to: The complete report can be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF-File (see below).
Der Band ist in deutscher Sprache mit englischen abstracts verfasst. Der Coastline Reports 16 (2010) kann für 25 Euro (15 Euro für Mitglieder von EUCC Deutschland) inklusive Porto bestellt werden: Bitte geben Sie die Liefer- und Rechnungsadresse an. Der gesamte Band kann hier als Acrobat-PDF-File heruntergeladen werden:
K. Schwarzer, K. Schrottke & K. Stattegger: From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research, Coastline Reports 16 (2010), ISSN 0928-2734. ISBN 978-3-9811839-9-3. (PDF-File 31,0 MB)
Furthermore, all papers are available as a separate download:
Alle Beiträge können nachfolgend zudem einzeln als PDF-Files heruntergeladen werden:
- May, S.M., Willershäuser, T., Vött, A.. Boulder Transport by high-energy wave events at Cap Bon (NE Tunisia). In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 1-10. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 2.2 MB]
- Floth, U., Vött, A., May, S.M., Brückner, H., Brockmüller, S.. Estimating tsunami hazards between Lefkada and Preveza, NW Greece, by means of computer modelling. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 11-14. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 3.4 MB]
- Feldens, P., Sakuna, D., Somgpongchaiykul, P., Schwarzer, K.. Shallow water sediment structures in a tsunami-affected area (Parkarang Cape, Thailand). In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 15-24. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 2.8 MB]
- Kaiser, G., Römer, H., Arp, D., Sterr, H., Ludwig, R.. Use of high resolution geodata for inundation modelling as part of a tsunami risk assessment in thailand. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 25-34. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 2.4 MB]
- Rostock, N.. Zoning instruments for "Coastal and Marine Protected Areas of Multiple Use" - An Example in Southern Chile. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 35-43. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.0 MB]
- da Silva, A., Vital, H.. Estimation of Presidio´s Barrier Island (Guameré-NE/Brazil) Migration by Means of GIS and Remote Sensing. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 45-48. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 819.4 kB]
- Fenske, C., Dahlke, S., Riel, P., Wozniczka. Dynamics of mussel beds in the Szczecin Lagoon. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 49-54. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.8 MB]
- May, H., Schrottke, K., Schwarzer, K.. Coarse-grained sediment distribution in shallow water of the south-western Baltic Sea (Germany). In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 55-57. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 3.9 MB]
- Dolch, T.. Coarsening of tidal flat sediments - long-term mud depletion in a tidal bay in the northern Wadden Sea (SE North Sea). In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 59-62. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 535.0 kB]
- Radegast, C., Strotmann, T., Ferk, U.. Studies on the Development of Wind set-up in the River Elbe. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 63-70. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 889.4 kB]
- Papenmeier, S., Schrottke, K., Bartholomä, A.. Total volume concentration and size distribution of suspended matter at sites affected by water injection dredging of subaqueous dunes in the German Weser Estuary. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 71-76. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.7 MB]
- Gönnert, G., Thumm, S.. Das Risiko von Extremsturmfluten in Ästuaren angesichts globalen Klimawandels. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 77-86. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 484.2 kB]
- Sossidi, K., Gönnert, G., Ackermann, D.. GIS-gestützte Analyse des Überflutungsrisikos in Hamburg unter Berücksichtigung der EG-Hochwasserrichtlinie. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 87-96. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 828.5 kB]
- Holzwarth, I., Kösters, F.. Effects of Changes in Sea Level on the Tidal Dynamics of the River Weser. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 97-100. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.7 MB]
- Munderloh, H.. Costs of sea-level rise under different climatic and socio-economic scenarios: an application of the DIVA model. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 101-103. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 412.9 kB]
- Hofstede, J.. From coastal flood defence towards coastal flood risk management. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 105-114. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 850.6 kB]
- Kohlus, J., Reimers, H.-C.. Das Projekt MDI-DE - Marine Daten-Infrastruktur in Deutschland. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 115-126. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 5.0 MB]
- Naulin, M., Albers, T.. Feasibility Study for Optimisation of Land Drainage by Using Renewable Energy. In: Schwarzer, K., Schrottke, K., Stattegger, K. (eds.). From Brazil to Thailand - New Results in Coastal Research. Coastline Reports (16), pp. 127-133. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010. [Abstract] [Pdf, 1.2 MB]