Expert advisers

Since 2006 EUCC-Germany has been supported by an expert advisory board. These advisers are EUCC members and well-known experts in coastal-relevant disciplines. They take on volunteer, professional, and advisory duties to actively assist our organization.

North Sea & Project Development

Dr. Frank Ahlhorn
Environmental Scientist and Mathematician

Managing Director Wadden Sea Forum e.V. 
Regional Focal Points: North Sea
Thematic Focal Points: Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Coastal Protection, Spatial Planning, Natural Protection, Participatory Planning, Conflict Management, Water Policy, Climate Change Adaption

Contact: ahlhorn[ät]

Coastal Tourism

Wolfgang Günther

Project leader and Projektleiter und General Officer for Tourism and Bathing Research in Northern Europe (N.I.T.), Kiel, and Instructor at the University of Kiel.

Regional Focal Points: Schleswig-Holstein, Baltic Sea Region
Thematic Focal Points: Moderation, Conceptual Development, Baltic Sea Cooperation, Sustainable Tourism Development, Tourism and the Environment
Contact: guenther[ät]

Water management

Dr. Svenja Karstens

Center for Ocean and Society & Institut für Geowissenschaften, Christian-Albrechts-Universitäty Kiel (CAU)
Regional Focal Points: Baltic Sea
Thematic Focal Points: Coastal Wetlands, Water management, natural hazards, nature based coastal protection

Contact: karstens[ät]

Climate change adaptation in coastal zones

Dr. Jana Koerth

Christian-Albrechts-Universitäty Kiel, Institute of Geography, Working Group on Coastal Hazards and Sea Level Rise
Regional Focal Points: Baltic Sea
Thematic Focal Points:Climate change adaptation, climate change communication, climate adaptation process facilitation, concept development, environmental psychology.

Contact: koerth[ät]

Coastal protection

Dr. Sebastian Niehüser
Civil Engineer

University lecturer "structural hydraulic engineering", university of applied sciences 21, Buxtehude

Regional Focal Points: North Sea, Baltic Sea
Thematic Focal Points:Coastal engineering, climate adaptation, numerical and statistical modeling of hydromechanical processes, data analysis, probabilistic design methods.

Contact: niehueser[ät]

Public Relations

Wolf Wichmann
Geologist, Freelance Scientific Journalist

Primary field of work is the research and consultancy for private scientific institutions, TV and media groups, and environmental protection organizations.
Thematic Focal Points: Marine and Geological Science, Environment and Nature, Photojournalism above-water and underwater with photo, videos, and remote operated vehicles.
Contact: wichmann[ät]