Past Projects

Here you can find past projects that EUCC Germany participated in.

MeerSehen (SEEtheSEA)

With “MeerSehen” (SEEtheSEA) EUCC-D continues the successfully implemented extracurricular educational projects, and dedicates itself once again on its educational work focusing on coast and sea. From September 2014 on a youth media competition in Schleswig-Holstein invites children and young people from school year 5 to 13 to expand their awareness of their maritime environment. The contest is based on the concept of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Duration: April 2014 to July 2015

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The pollution of the seas through the input of litter is a growing, worldwide problem. The goal of MARLISCO is to increase societal awareness of the ecological and economic problems of marine litter and thereby influence societal decisions and behaviors in favor of better marine stewardship.

Duration: 2012 through 2015

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HERRING aims to improve the sustainable management of the natural resource herring. The inclusion of coastal herring spawning and growth areas in an integrated coastal zone management system and fishery management is currently the main focus, as well as the implementation of the comprehensive monitoring required for this effort. The project goals also include improved transnational cooperation for herring stock management, commonly developed suggestions for sustainable management practices of the coastal ocean, especially spawning areas.

Duration: 2012 through 2014

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Enhancing Capacity of Youth for Improved Coastal Zone Management in Ghana and Germany

Within the framework of the initiative “Engagement für Afrika“ of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, EUCC-D is collaborating with the Ghanaian NGO „Friends of the Nation”. The aim of this project is to document coastal resources and their vulnerability especially in the light of climate change in the coastal regions of West Ghana as well as in Germany.

Duration: 2013


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Regional Adaptation Strategies for the German Baltic Coast (RADOST)

Climate change presents the German Baltic Sea region with the need for adaptation. Thus, in dialogue with science, industry, administration and civil society, RADOST aims to develop adaptation strategies for this region.

Duration: July 2009 to June 2014

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Action for the Reinforcement of the Transitional Waters' Environmental Integrity

Das Ziel des Projektes ARTWEI ist die Entwicklung von Methoden für ein umfassendes Management für die vier grenzübergreifenden Übergangsgewässer (Lagunen) im südlichen Ostseeraum. So genannte „Transitional Water Stakeholders Bodies" sollen einen gemeinsamen, innovativen Wissensfundus für Best Practices bilden sowie einen Verhaltenskodex für ein verbessertes Management von Lagunen im südlichen Ostseeraum beschreiben.

Zeitraum: März 2010 bis Februar 2013

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Meer im Fokus

With „Meer in Fokus“ EUCC-D takes the successfully completed "Küstenschule" project and dedicates itself once again to extracurricular educational work on the sea and coasts.

Duration: June 2010 through August 2012.


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Climate Change: Impacts, Costs and Adaptation in the Baltic Sea Region

The goal of BaltCICA is the assessment of future disturbances resulting from climate change, as well as the development, evaluation, and implementation of various forms of adaptation measures ranging from the structural to the organizational and institutional.

Duration: February 2009 through January 2012.


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Fisheries and Tourism on the German Baltic Coast

In vier Regionen der Küste Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns wurde ein ehrenamtlich operierendes Küstenbeobachter-Netzwerk aufgebaut, das langfristig die Grundlage für die fotografische Dokumentation der Küstenlinie bilden soll.

Zeitraum: Februar 2009 bis Juni 2010

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Dolphin Fund Deutschland

Der Dolphin Fund ist ein Netzwerk verschiedener lokaler, nationaler und internationaler Organisationen, die über Lizenzverträge in ihren Ländern oder Regionen operieren und den Dolphin Fund repräsentieren. Ziel des Dolphin Fund ist es, Aktivitäten und Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Bedrohung von Meeressäugern zu entwickeln und unterstützen.

Zeitraum: seit 2008

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The goal of this project was to demonstrate in the German-Polish territories around the Oder river estuary how regional Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) can be implemented practically and sustainably.

Duration: May 2004 through April 2010


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Coastal Schools

The extracurricular educational project “Coastal Schools” had as its goals an active contribution to building awareness regarding the sea and coasts, particularly the Baltic Sea coast.

Duration: May 2004 through April 2010


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Magazine, 1st Issue 2007

With the informational magazine Meer& Küste, the EUCC-D would like to pass on interesting information about the German Baltic Sea Coast, inform the public about problems, and show solutions.

Duration: March 2007 through June 2008


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Event Flyer

Both accompanying the first magazine edition of “Meer & Küste” (Sea and Coasts) and independently distributed in a run of 25,000 copies, the event calendar “The Baltic Sea Coast for the Curious” provided readers with current tips and an overview of numerous environmental education events along the entire German Baltic Sea Coast in the time period from June 2007 through October 2007.

Duration: February through Oktober 2007


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Wer, Wie, Watt?

In the context of the environmental education project "Wer, Wie, Watt?" community service volunteers worked on an internet web portal on anthropogenic uses and influences on the German Wadden Sea, as well as elements of nature protection.

Duration: September 2006 through December 2007


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The goal of this project was the construction of a network of actors in the realm of integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) as well as an improvement of information preparation and information flows over the internet.

Duration: March 2004 through February 2007


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The goal of this project was to demonstrate a practical way to economic development for coastal regions on the Baltic Sea while simultaneously promoting environmental protection and introducing integrated coastal planning.

Duration: July 2002 through June 2005


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The study was an overview of the actors and activities in coastal zone management in the Baltic Sea Region with the goal of allowing improved networking of activities on the basis of experience and best practices, for example delivering a method of optimizing and harmonizing activities.

Duration: April 2003 through March 2004


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