Coastline Reports 10 (2007)

A. Pickaver and D. Sadacharan (eds.): The Benefits of Inter-linking Coastal and River Management, Twenty case studies world-wide indicate opportunities and constraints
The document looks in detail at a number of specific river systems to permit the identification of major issues a linked management program need to deal with, the socio-economic implications of these issues, and to highlight the benefits of linked management and demonstrate why the resolution of those issues are important. Thus an important aspect that the river basin studies examined were any significant success factors that could be applied in other basins as well as the challenges and constraints that a program would encounter in adopting linked management. This document has, therefore, also made an attempt to highlight the most important issues that need to be addressed on a priority basis.
The intended target group for this document is mainly policy makers and managers responsible for decision making as well as ICM and IWRM/RBM professionals who need to understand the need for linked management and what it entails. It is also a compendium of up-to-date information on practical experiences upon which training activities can be based.
The whole report is composed in English. For ordering Coastline Reports 10 (25 Euro including postage, 15 Euro for members of EUCC Germany) please send an E-Mail with your addresses for delivery and invoice to: The complete report can be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF-file (see below).
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to be cited as:
Alan Pickaver & Dianeetha Sadacharan (eds.): The Benefits of Inter-linking Coastal and River Management, Twenty case studies world-wide indicate opportunities and constraints. Coastline Reports 10 (2007). ISSN 0928-2734. ISBN 978-3-9811839-2-4.