Berichte & Hintergründe

UN conference on climate change - The countdown has begun

Fewer than five days remain to secure the eagerly-awaited agreement. In this final week of negotiations, the Environment, Energy and Foreign Ministers take over from the delegates in order to make the necessary political decisions to reach an agreement.

Studie zu den zukünftigen Folgen des Klimawandels in Deutschland

Die Studie des Netzwerks Vulnerabilität bildet die Grundlage für Vorsorge-Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung und dient dazu, die Deutsche Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel weiterzuentwickeln.

WSF 27, Plenumssitzung

Wohin steuert das Wattenmeer Forum in der Zukunft? Wie groß sind die Aufgaben, dem WSF eine bedeutende Rolle in politischen Entscheidungen zukommen zu lassen? Diese Fragen standen ganz im Mittelpunkt der 27sten Sitzung des WSF.

Managementplan für Vogelschutzgebiet Wismarbucht und Salzhaff

Unter Federführung des Staatlichen Amtes für Landwirtschaft und Umwelt (StALU) Westmecklenburg wird derzeit ein Managementplan für das Europäische Vogelschutzgebiet „Wismarbucht und Salzhaff“ erarbeitet.

IUCN & UNESCO explore how World Heritage can protect the high seas

With only 0,2% of the high seas protected IUCN identified the high seas as a major gap on the World Heritage List. Due to this the UNESCO-IUCN high seas project launched; first results will be presented in 2016.

New database open for HELCOM protected areas in the Baltic Sea

​​​​​Easier access to more detailed information on coastal and marine Baltic Sea protected areas (HELCOM MPAs) will be available for anyone by the launch of the modernized HELCOM MPA database.

On the way to healthy status: new HELCOM indicators launched

Good Environmental Status (GES) is a key concept in HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. The first core indicators to better access the status of the Baltic Sea were launched this fall.

Aquaculture certification steers to zone management

Mitigating the risk of aquaculture diseases is one of many goals of zone management, a promising tool for ensuring responsible farmed seafood production across a given region.

The mid-term review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020

The mid-term review of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 describes progress made in implementing the actions and achieving the targets set out in the strategy adopted in 2011.

Increase in MPAs reduces pressure on marine habitats and species

A new Commission report shows significant progress in establishing protected areas in Europe's seas, with benefits for the economy and the environment.